Monday, October 03, 2005 headlines you won't see in your local paper.

Katrina Cash Could Create 'Slush Fund' For Left
( - The dark clouds of Hurricane Katrina may have produced a silver lining for the struggling liberal civil rights establishment. One critic has warned that relief money might become "a giant slush fund for the left." Full Story

Homosexuals Challenge Ban on Blood Donations
( - A Red Cross division in Australia will be forced to defend its refusal to accept blood donations from homosexuals after a statutory anti-discrimination body agreed to take up a legal complaint. Full Story

Companies Apologize for Ad Showing Military 'Assaulting a Mosque'
( - Boeing Co. and Bell Helicopter Textron apologized Friday for an ad featuring soldiers rappelling onto the roof of a Mosque. Full Story

Plus some you just might:

USA Today:
Bill would expand U.S. DNA database

South Florida Sun-Sentinel:
Proposed Florida Law Would Let Employees Bring Guns to Work

Washington Post:
The Word 'Redskin' Did Not Begin as Insult, Smithsonian Scholar Says

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