Dr. Williams et al. claim that each man owns himself, and therefore all the socialist nonsense is evil.
Wrong. (Well, of course all the socialist nonsense is evil, kiddies. I am referring to the ownership of humans question.)
From the Catholic Encyclopedia 's entry on suicide:
Positive and direct suicide perpetrated without God's consent always constitutes a grave injustice towards Him. To destroy a thing is to dispose of it as an absolute master and to act as one having full and independent dominion over it; but man does not possess this full and independent dominion over his life, since to be an owner one must be superior to his property. (Emphasis mine.) God has reserved to himself direct dominion over life; He is the owner of its substance and He has given man only the serviceable dominion, the right of use, with the charge of protecting and preserving the substance, that is, life itself. Consequently suicide is an attempt against the dominion and right of ownership of the Creator.
BTW, this teaching of The One, True Church also comes in handy in combatting all that evil socialist nonsense.
For instance, "No, Citizen Stalin. As a matter of fact, you do not own me."
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