Thursday, September 01, 2005

Science is not magic, kiddies. It is not beyond the ken of a reasonably intelligent layman. Scientists do not have the right to dictate to you...

...or, I get mail.

A reasonably intelligent woman falls into the trap of believing instead of knowing. Please, kiddies, keep belief out of science and put it where it belongs. (Hint: It starts with the letter "r".)

My post on RFK Jr.'s insane vomiting of fascism disguised as temperature data ended thusly:

Behold Pseudo-Science! The gateway to 21st century fascist enslavement of man!

Do not believe the lies, kiddies. There is NO evidence this planet is warming. None. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

I dare anyone and everyone to try and find empirical evidence of global warming. Not belief in global warming. Not hearsay. Not left-fascist political fantasy disguised as evidence. I dare all to show the world proof.

In response,

callieischatty said...

oh yes there is a ton.

And that, girls and boys, is precisely our problem. The actual data available is about 120 years worth of temperature readings of which the first 50 or 60 years worth is not global in scope and often is less than reliable. That means the global warming fetish is a house of cards. And marked ones at that.

Even if all the data was perfectly reliable, there is not enough of it to draw the type of conclusions being thrown about. A thousand years is not long enough to establish these trends. Geologic time makes it look like the blink of an eye.

So, from whence comes the global warming fetish? Here are a few sources:

Socialism - "How dare they presume to produce and accumulate wealth? They are not free. They belong to me and the others who follow me."

Neo-pagan dirt worship - "The earth does not belong to them, it belongs to me and the others who follow me." (You may know this particular brand of stupidity by its obscurantist title "environmentalism".)

Envy - "I can't afford a big SUV. Therefore, they should not be allowed to have one."

Intellectual laziness - "I have heard Katie Couric say it twice in my lifetime, therefore it must be true."

Bad science - "I didn't spend all that time in school to have to actually work and think logically. I'll just make up something that will attract followers and keep the grant money flowing. "

The thing without a name - (There is probably a really cool sounding six-syllable German word for it, but in english, who knows? Let me try to give you an example in my inimitable style.) "Bad things are happening. Therefore, other bad things must be the cause. But those things can't cause themselves. I need answers! Why is my life not perfect? Wait! People..."

Power-madness - "I need to find a way to control..."

Now, be honest, kiddies. Which is your rationale for believing a lie?

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