Thursday, September 15, 2005

Matt Drudge threatens N.Y. Times; E-journalist considers booting paper's columnists over new reading fees.

Why, it's an outrage! How dare they! This is nothing short of a declaration of war by Big Media on the free flow of information!

Online journalist Matt Drudge is threatening to boot New York Times columnists from his popular website, the Drudge Report, now that the Times' website has announced it will begin charging a fee.

Matt Drudge of 'The Drudge Report' on the Fox News Channel
"I will yank the Times scribes if I can't find other outlets that are planning to carry them," Drudge told the New York Post. "The Internet is losing its innocence."

Damn right, Matt! Go get 'em!

Beginning Monday, the New York Times will charge $49.95 per year or $7.95 per month for online readers to access 22 columnists including Maureen Dowd, Paul Krugman and Frank Rich.

Sorry, kiddies. I've been punk'd. Nobody would pay to read that crap.

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