Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Here's the skinny: Bonds to diet; Doctors say knee not able to take his weight.

From the Chicago Tribune:

Barry Bonds used to commit any spare time before games to lifting weights, working meticulously to build his leg strength for long nights of standing in left field and on the base paths after his many walks.

His bum right knee no longer allows it. He is carrying a few extra pounds around his middle and vows to spend the off-season bringing his weight down from almost 230 pounds to about 200.

Heehee. He could lose 100 pounds instantly by cutting off his fat head.

"I'm going to be skinny," said Bonds, who weighed 185 pounds as a rookie in 1986 but has not been near 200 for many years.

Doctors have told the Giants slugger he must lose weight to protect his fragile knee, which required three operations since Jan. 31. Considering the way Bonds has been aching after four starts, he is likely to listen.

But seriously, folks, he's off the juice now, so losing 30 pounds will be easy.

BTW, my home run king is still Henry Aaron.

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