Wednesday, August 31, 2005

You mean that noted democrat (That's a small "d", kiddies.) Muqtada al-Sadr?

This comes from the blog Who's your Baghdaddy? which is produced by the nietzschean-monikered John Upperman of Round Rock, Texas who is currently deep in the heart of ol' Babylon.

We caught some of the scumbags that were responsible for Saturday’s mortar attack. A raid was organized and conducted in the early morning hours yesterday and we netted several bad guys. Out of this group of thieves we have identified at least four of them as suspected members of Muqtada al-Sadr’s militia. The troops are all pumped from the results of a successful mission, but we are not done yet. We are continuing to tighten the noose in order flush more of these rodents out of their hiding places. Obviously I can’t provide a lot of detail, but I will post updates as I can.

"If you are going to yank the tiger's tail you had better have a plan for dealing with his teeth."

It is worse than I thought, kiddies. When he's not freeing oppressed people he works for Dell. (I'm a Toshiba, IBM, and HP man myself. However, my Dad owns a Dell.) And he's in marketing! Shhhh!

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