Friday, August 26, 2005

Making the world safe for fascism...

...or, Fascism: America's newest export.

From Yahoo!News comes news of the profoundly ignorant and evil ruling of a federal judge in San Francisco by the name of Jeffrey White, who fancies himself a jurist, a scientist, all three branches of government at once, and, apparently, a god.

In a landmark ruling, (I'll say. - F.G.) a US judge endorsed a lawsuit charging two federal agencies with wrongly funding international oil and gas projects that promote global warming, court documents showed.

Export-Import Bank and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation have supported fossil fuel projects worldwide without considering the potential harm to the planet, according to the complaint.

A pretty nifty trick, considering global warming does not exist.

The suit asks the court to compel OPIC and Ex-Im, whose directors are appointed by US President George Bush, to comply with environmental regulations and shift funding to alternative energy sources and conservation programs.

"This lawsuit is part of a broader effort to realign economic and industrial activity with ecological constraints," Mayor Jerry Brown of the California city of Oakland told AFP on Thursday.

Judge Jeffrey White ruled on Wednesday that environment groups Greanpeace and Friends of the Earth and the US cities that united to file the suit have legal standing to make their claim and a point worth pursuing in court.

"It is profoundly important because it is a major step forward in holding these agencies to a rule of law, in this instance a rule of environmental law," Brown said of the ruling.

OPIC and Ex-Im ignored national Environmental Protection Act mandates while approving more than 32 billion dollars in loan guarantees and insurance for oil and natural gas projects in the past decade, the suit charged.

Projects included the largest new oil fields in South America, Russia, Southeast Asia, West Africa, Mexico and the Caspian Sea region, according to the suit filed in 2002.

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