From the same folks who bring you CNSNews comes Newsbusters, dedicated to exposing and combatting liberal media bias. Below are a few recent posts.
Posted by Brent Baker on August 9, 2005 - 11:40.
The broadcast networks and CNN on Monday morning trumpeted the vigil outside of President Bush's Texas ranch by a virulent Bush-hater, but didn't really fully convey her hatred. NBC's Katie Couric showcased her at the top of Today: “And a mother's vigil. Her son died in Iraq. Now this woman is camping outside the Bushes' Texas ranch and demanding a meeting with the President today, Monday, August 8th, 2005." On CBS's Early Show, news reader Julie Chen snidely played off of Bush's vacation: "President Bush may be on vacation in Crawford, Texas, but one mom wants to make sure he doesn't forget there's a war going on in Iraq.” On Saturday, CBS anchor Thalia Assuras had noted how “while President Bush has heralded the sacrifice of the fallen, his words were met with anger today.” That story featured Cindy Sheehan's accusation: “I'm never going to be able to enjoy another vacation because he killed my oldest son."
Posted by Tim Graham on August 9, 2005 - 10:01.
Michelle Malkin reports that Al Franken is officially in whining mode on the Air America stealing-money-from-the-children scandal. He said he became an "involuntary investor" just weeks in by foregoing his paycheck. Congratulations, Al. Perhaps now you know how conservatives feel about being "involuntary investors" to another liberal radio network: NPR.
Today Show's Bad News Bears
Posted by Mark Finkelstein on August 9, 2005 - 07:46.
On a slow news day when the Today Show didn''t have any solid gloom or doom to report on the national security or domestic economy fronts, why not run a couple segments on bad stuff that, well, might happen?
That was Today's apparent technique this morning. First up was a piece on possible terrorist attacks on US shopping malls. A bleary-eyed Steve Emerson, Today's terrorism expert, looking like he had better things to do in Aspen, CO, went along for the ride with Katie Couric.
Well into the segment, Today had to admit that there was no evidence that any attacks on shopping malls had been attempted or even planned. But that didn't stop the show from offering up a predictable array of security guards purposefully making their rounds, banks of closed-circuit security monitors, and two lame shopper-in-the-street interviews with a man and a woman who both confessed that they don't worry about security while shopping in malls.
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