Friday, July 15, 2005

The Mind (very loosely speaking) of Howard Dean.

More to love from the chief blasphemer, bugger (buggerer?), and 'borter. Just for laughs, let us hope Howard's end does not come too soon.

Dean got big laughs and lots of applause at the Oxford Hotel as he ribbed President Bush and the three Rs: Republicans, Rove and Rush:

A subtle ripoff of my classic Party of Blasphemy, Buggery, and 'Bortion.

• "Focus on the Family? What focus on the family? If you want to focus on the family, how about raising minimum wage?"

Said the rich doctor.

• "No Child Left Behind ought to be kicked in the behind."

Anal fixation, anyone? A classic anal expulsive personality, if you'll pardon my Viennese.

• "I'm not going to be lectured about moral values by Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and James Dobson - not going to happen."

Try winning an election or two, noise boy.

"If we are willing to stand up for what we believe in, if we set aside this idea that we ought to be like the Republicans in order to win . . . then I promise you we will take this country back," Dean said.

The state Republican Party issued a statement saying Dean came to "spew lies and hate speech."

Outside the Oxford, protesters held signs of aborted fetuses.

Inside the Denver landmark, Dean stressed that he doesn't know anybody who is pro-abortion, (Physician, know thyself. - F.G.) but he knows plenty of people who believe women should get to "make up their own minds."

As long as they make it up in the dead baby direction. If not, they aren't "authentic" women. Like Clarence Thomas isn't really black just because he would never ever think about voting for a clown like Howard Dean.

(Thanks to the Rocky Mountain News and Drudge.)

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