Thanks to Michelle Malkin for another excellent example of our moral and intellectual betters at work.
In response to questions from radio reporter Perry Michael Simon about New York City's corruption probe involving the alleged diversion of public funds from two non-profit clubs that benefit poor kids and seniors to Air America, the liberal radio network put out a statement yesterday. Bottom line: Don't blame us. Here's the text via Brian Maloney:
On MAY 24, 2004 the newly formed PIQUANT LLC acquired the principal assets of AIR AMERICA RADIO from the prior ownership entities. PIQUANT has owned and operated AIR AMERICA RADIO since that time. The company that had run AIR AMERICA RADIO till then no longer had anything to do with the network.
PIQUANT had no involvement whatsoever with funds from GLORIA WISE BOYS &GIRLS CLUB. PIQUANT neither received nor expended any of the sums that are the subject of the City's investigation of the CLUB.
PIQUANT is not being investigated by the City, which is investigating a transaction that took place before PIQUANT existed.
Yeah? But where did the money go? Was the loan repaid? And was there an agreement between Air America and Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club officials to promote the latter's activities as part of the loan deal? Apropos that last question, take a look here at an Air America host promoting and soliciting donations for the summer camp run by the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls club. The date of this promotion was June 14, 2005. Several sources tell me the possible quid pro quo involved here should be of special interest to the FCC.
Kevin Aylward at Wizbang translates Air America's statement:
We didn't exist as a corporate entity at the time of the swindle, so it can't be our fault. The Air America that stole that money doesn't exist anymore. Obviously this story is a diversionary tactic; plotted and orchestrated by Karl Rove to divert attention from his own troubles...
Meanwhile, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports today: Liberal Air America Radio stuck in cellar. Guess the low ratings are Rove's fault, too.
Update: Several readers make a point about p.c. corporate responsibility best summed up by commenter RW at Wizbang...
It's a good thing that Piquant only bought a company that had accepted money stolen from children and old people instead of a company that had been involved in the slave trade, otherwise they might have been on the hook for reparations. [MM: Can you spell W-a-c-h-o-v-i-a?]
So, when there's money on the table, liberal ideals are easily replaced with Enron tactics...
Ed Morrissey adds:
If Piquant thinks that it can wash its hands of the mess Evan Cohen left behind, they're very much mistaken. As long as they hang onto that money and leave the poor kids in Brooklyn holding the bag, their leftist pap about taking care of the little guy will sound even more hollow than ever.
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