...or, Señor Spielbergo, él está muy loco.
Oscar-winning director STEVEN SPIELBERG is baffled that fewer UFO sightings are made now than were made twenty years ago - because the technology to record would-be aliens is so commonplace today.
The 59-year-old film-maker has made a string of alien-themed movies - CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND, ET: THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL and WAR OF THE WORLDS - and is disappointed it seems he'll never get the chance to see evidence of a UFO himself.
Spielberg says, "There are millions of video cameras out there and they're picking up less videos of UFOs, alleged UFOs, than we picked up in the 1970s and 1980s. There's 150 per cent more cameras, so why are we getting less from up there?
"I think that we all know that we're not alone in the universe. I can't imagine that we are the only intelligent biological life form out there. I'm a little less sure in my fifties that I was in my late twenties whether we're actually ever going to find out." (Thanks to Drudge for the heads up.)
Is this guy kidding or what?
First, chances are excellent we are alone. (1 in 10 to the power of 100,000,000,000.) If you believe in chance, that is. Old Yahweh is looking like a better bet by the minute, eh, Steverino?
Second, if there are aliens all around us, they obviously don't want to be found, Steve. What with all their confuse-a-cat technology and raygun gimcracks, we'll never find 'em!
So donate 10% of your net worth to a real charity.
My guess is belief in UFO's as holier than thou aliens in spaceships increases as belief in God decreases. People refuse to believe in nothing. Instead, they'll believe in anything. (Remember the Heaven's Gate suicide cult?)
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