lead me to all of these priceless pieces on the man sanity left behind.
- Obama criticizes Dean
Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) criticized Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean Wednesday night for using "religion to divide."
Obama told reporters gathered at the Rock the Vote awards dinner at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C., that Dean needs to tone down his rhetoric. Dean said on Monday that the Republican Party was "pretty much a white, Christian party."
- Elder: Dr. Dean, the shrink is in
Dean considers Republicans a morally inferior species. In a speech in Kansas on Feb. 25, 2005, Dean said the contest between Democrats and Republicans was "a struggle of good and evil. And we're the good." A couple of months later, Dean also called Republicans "corrupt," and said, "You can't trust them with your money, and you can't trust them with your votes."
- Hewitt: A tale of two chairmen
Why the media loves the disastrous Howard Dean and doesn't understand the greatness of Ken Mehlman.
- Noonan: Seeing red
...let's do a thought experiment. Close your eyes and imagine this.
President Bush is introduced at a great gathering in Topeka, Kan. It is the evening of June 9, 2005. Ruffles and flourishes, "Hail to the Chief," hearty applause from a packed ballroom. Mr. Bush walks to the podium and delivers the following address.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I want to speak this evening about how I see the political landscape. Let me jump right in. The struggle between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party is a struggle between good and evil--and we're the good. I hate Democrats. Let's face it, they have never made an honest living in their lives. Who are they, really, but people who are intent on abusing power, destroying the United States Senate and undermining our Constitution? They have no shame.
But why would they? They have never been acquainted with the truth. You ever been to a Democratic fundraiser? They all look the same. They all behave the same. They have a dictatorship, and suffer from zeal so extreme they think they have a direct line to heaven. But what would you expect when you have a far left extremist base? We cannot afford more of their leadership. I call on you to help me defeat them!"
- Ham: The perfect GOP TV spot
Ken Mehlman, thank goodness, is quite a different face to put forward. I say run the comments of the two back-to-back in a TV spot. Nothing dirty; you wouldn't even have to mention specific candidates or campaigns.
Howard Dean: "Republicans aren't very friendly to different kinds of people, they are a pretty monolithic party ... it's pretty much a white, Christian party."
Ken Mehlman: "A lot of folks who attended my Bar Mitzvah would be surprised...We gotta get ourselves beyond this point where when we disagree about politics, we call the other guy names."
- Freddoso: The leader is a liability
I’m beginning to see through the Republican spin,” a GOP Hill staffer instant-messaged me the other day, “and now I don’t think it’s spin anymore. Howard Dean is just totally nuts.”
- AP: Dean defends criticism of GOP
Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean said Thursday that the recent controversy over his comments isn't going to stop congressional Democrats from focusing on issues like Social Security, gas prices and the war in Iraq.
"You know, I think a lot of this is exactly what the Republicans want, and that's a diversion," Dean said after meeting with Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid about the Democrats' agenda for the next few weeks of Congress. "The truth is that we need to focus on exactly the issues that Harry Reid just talked about, and we're going to."
- Bozell: The Howard Dean blackout
If Howard Dean thought it would be a great idea to heighten his profile by becoming chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), he was making a big mistake. Since he was elected to the top party spot on Feb. 12, Democrats have been hiding him like the Clinton staff hid mistresses.
They've had big help from a national media blackout. As Dr. Dean traveled the country dispensing gaffe after gaffe, the national networks ignored him almost entirely. On Thursday, June 2, he cracked at a left-wing convention that a lot of Republicans "have never made an honest living in their lives." ABC, CBS and NBC ignored him for three days, until the Sunday morning interview programs, which have about one-quarter to one-half the ratings of the evening news.
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