Today was Fathers' Day. Nobody here really noticed. What we have noticed in the intelligence section is that although arhabi attacks in general are still well below average, we have seen a little bit of an uptick in IED's here in our area. I had a very few people wish me a happy fathers' day today beacuse they know my beautiful wife is expecting our first child. My thoughts on Fathers' day still turn to my father, who passed away, too young, almost two years ago, at the at the age of 71. He was an exceptional father and human being. A finer example of manly chivalry, I have never seen. I wrote this poem for his funeral. I wish he had seen it before he passed.
Be whatever you want
But be a good one
Always do the right thing
And be sure to have fun
He is the man
That I want to be
A daunting task
For the likes of me
Kind and thoughtful
Always and all ways
Exemplifying the Golden Rule
To the last of his days
Responsible, trustworthy and loving
He taught me about being a man
Philanthropic and wise
For one should if one can
His words are oft repeated
The wise and the jest
Intelligent yet humble
Gave family his best
A bit of a kook
He loved his life
Only exceeded
By love for his wife
Like a good wine
Should not stay on the shelf
His faith daily drove him
To serve higher than self
A road less traveled
With others in need
When no one was looking
He’d do the right deed
There’s a hole in the world
Where he used to be
Now a darker place
Since he is now free
To know this man of honor
We have been truly blessed
“Pass it on.” He would say
“And give it your best”
To Andrew John Krappman Jr.
As a soon-to-be father, I have a very tough act to follow....
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