Bolton's achievement
(Inside Politics/The Washington Times)
"There's an obvious answer to Democrats who claim John Bolton is too abrasive to succeed as President Bush's U.N. ambassador — he spearheaded the successful fight to get the U.N. to reverse its notorious 'Zionism is racism' resolution," the New York Post's Deborah Orin writes.
"The Anti-Defamation League warmly commended him when he did what many had thought impossible in 1991. ADL chief Abe Foxman wrote a letter backing his so-far stalled nomination as U.N. envoy this spring," Miss Orin said.
" 'We will long remember him as a man of principle and integrity who, as assistant secretary of state for international organizations, played a leading role in the successful U.S. effort to repeal the infamous resolution,' he wrote.
"What's weird is that Team Bush has barely mentioned Bolton's triumph in its battle to stop a Democratic filibuster and get the U.S. Senate to confirm Bolton."
Nothing more needs to be said to justify Mr. Bolton's confirmation. If he can get those ignorant third world racist fatheads to pretend they don't hate Jews any more, he ought to be named Emperor of Space and Time!
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