Friday, June 17, 2005

I'll bet you $20 he gets an NEA grant.

Artist re-enacts 9/11 Twin Towers jumps

CHICAGO -- Performance artist Kerry Skarbakka, wearing a business suit and safety harnesses, jumped repeatedly from a museum roof to create photographs that recall scenes from the World Trade Center attack, drawing scorn from some onlookers and victims' relatives.

Mr. Skarbakka, 34, fell more than 30 times from the five-story Museum of Contemporary Art on Tuesday. He said he started thinking about falling after watching on television as people jumped to their deaths from the Twin Towers on September 11.

"What kind of a sick individual is he? Tell him to go jump off the Empire State Building and see how it feels," Rosemarie Giallombardo, whose son Paul Salvio died in the terrorist attack, told the New York Daily News. "He's an artist? Go paint a bowl of fruit or something."

I know it is difficult to be outraged continuously by fools like this "artist", but this is why you should be.

Come to think of it, constantly outraging people with ever-increasing eruptions of bad taste and offensive acts might tend to desensitize people to this sewage and thus enable the bad guys to dominate the culture.

Golly, if I was a cultural totalitarian this is just the sort of subversive tactic I would use to swamp the real culture with my politically motivated filth.

I wonder why the Leninist-Leninist's haven't thought of...hey, wait a minute!

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