Monday, June 27, 2005

From The Vietnamization Of Iraq Department:

Feinsteinian flatulence.

'It's his war'

"Democratic Sen. Richard Durbin's now-historic comment likening U.S. detention facilities at Guantanamo to the Nazis, Soviet gulags, Pol Pot -- 'or others' -- was not the worst thing said in recent days about the administration's Iraq policies," Wall Street Journal columnist Daniel Henninger writes.

"All this proved was that Sen. Durbin was looking out the window in the fifth grade when the nuns taught analogies. A similarly tossed-off comment by Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, generally regarded as a serious person, was more troubling," Mr. Henninger said.

"After saying 'there is rising concern that everything [my emphasis] seems to be going the wrong way' on Iraq, Sen. Feinstein demanded 'regular progress reports' from the president and explained why: 'It's his war.'

"His war? I thought it was our war. Welcome to the Vietnamization of the Iraq war. A Vietnamized Iraq war means that whatever may be going on in the infant political life of Iraq, the place has become fair grist for the grinding stones of America's domestic politics.

"In fairness, Democratic Sen. Ted Kennedy was the first to say more than a year ago that 'Iraq is George Bush's Vietnam.' Seven months back, some 121 million votes were cast in a national election fought on those terms between George Bush and John Kerry. But now U.S. opinion-poll sentiment, the product of 1,200 phone calls, has finally broken beneath the front-page weight of al-Zarqawi's daily murders of 0.0001 percent of Iraq's population.

"Zarqawi has calculated, perhaps correctly, that a hundred tiny Tet offensives can equal one. The effect is the same: The opposition finds a political voice inside the U.S. and begins the process of offloading an 'unpopular' war onto the President. Thus, 'It's his war.'"
(Thanks to The Washington Times/Inside Politics)

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