Thursday, June 16, 2005

Dick Morris: Personal attacks on Hillary will only embolden her

Washington's least favorite foot fetishist, writing now for The Hill, tells us we better leave Hillary alone even if she's a dyke, because stuff like that has nothing to do with the balance of payments and other really important stuff.

I am no defender of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s, to put it mildly. But the recent charges in Ed Klein’s book to the effect that she is a closet homosexual or that Bill raped her and that this act triggered Chelsea’s conception are as crazy as the list that was circulating around of the 20 or so people the Clintons allegedly had killed.

These accusations do not belong in our public dialogue. They hit below the belt and tend to discredit the more serious and sober concerns so many of us have about the danger she would present in high office.

How can anyone say if the charges are true? Ed Klein is a respected author, a former editor in chief of The New York Times Magazine and the foreign editor for Newsweek. He would not have written these charges without some substantiation. But these accusations (in The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She’ll Go to Become President) are highly personal and have little bearing on what kind of president Hillary would make.

Said the foot fetishist. Am I being too subtle here? Or has it now been proved someone's "personal life" has no effect on the rest of that person's life?

If that's the case, I'd like to see the proof.

Didn't we learn from Hitlery's husband that disordered morality corrupts every part of the man?

Some of us did.

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