Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Crying wolf By Rabbi Shea Hecht

If Muslim terrorists have lied about something as serious as prison abuse and the desecration of their holy book to achieve their aims, what else have they lied about?

An excellent question, rabbi. Do go on.

The latest political shepherd-crying-wolf story comes from the al-Qaeda camp. While searching an al-Qaeda cell in England, the British police found a handbook with instructions to operatives what to do if they get caught by the police. One of the instructions in the handbook is that every commander must train his recruits that no matter what the circumstances, when an operative is caught and stands before the judge he should say he was abused in prison.

Imagine that.

Fascinated and a tad concerned by all these allegations of abuse of religious objects --particularly the Koran -- I wondered how all these Korans are getting into the prison system altogether. Imagine my surprise when I learned that the American army gives them out. In fact, they issued more than 1,600 Korans in 13 different languages! Do you think a nation that respects religion and makes sure that their prisoners religious needs are met, can seriously be accused of such gross misconduct with religious articles?

Wow. You'd think these guys are a bunch of psychotic killers of the innocent.

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