365 and a Wakeup is brought to you by thunder6 from old Babylon.
Shoes and candy go a long way Over There.
Meanwhile something altogether unheard of was occurring... the children were self organizing. For a moment entropy stopped in its tracks and that rarest of creatures, good order, seemed to spontaneously appear. It was if a phoenix was rising from its own chaotic ashes - its every feather in perfect alignment. And surprisingly the children remained patient as SPC Rivers pulled out the box of sandals. By time the box was empty all the children were proudly parading around in their new sandals, stopping every few steps to admire their feet like little hens. The troops spent a few more minutes conversing with the heads of the household before moving back toward their vehicles. The children followed in a giggling, smiling group to see the soldiers off.
But the giving wasn't over. As the children approached the vehicles the gunners who had been providing security reached into their turrets and pulled out bags of candy. Each gunner grabbed enormous handfuls of candy and tossed them in long parabolic arcs towards the kids. Before the first handful had even reached the ground any semblance of order was gone. If you have ever been at a children's birthday and seen the wild abandon with which children attack a pinata then you know exactly what I mean.
There's also this update on SGT Ferguson:
Sgt. Ferguson has slowly improved and was recently moved from Bethesda Medical Center to a veterans facility in Palo Alto, California. But his ordeal, and that of his family and friends, is far from over. While we labor to rebuild a country, they labor to rebuild a life. Our jobs may be a little more dangerous, but theirs is just as difficult. Please keep them in your prayers.
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