Thursday, June 16, 2005

The abuse of eminent domain.

The Supreme Court is currently hearing arguments about whether or not you can keep you own property.

The specific case has to do with the city of New London, Connecticut, which wants to condemn some private property so that private developers can build an office facility. The city claims it has the right to take property under eminent domain for the sole purpose of increasing tax revenue. The owner of the property, obviously, has his own arguments against such a move.

In the course of the trial, Justice O’Connor asked the city's attorney, “If a city wanted to size property in order to turn a Motel 6 intro a Ritz-Carlton, would that be OK?” The city’s response, “Yes, it would be.”

Said the totalitarian to the rest of us.

According to the most recent estimates, there are 10,000 cases in America every year where private property is taken, either by being condemned or by the threat of being condemned, and then turned over to private developers.

But the principle of private property is founded on the principle that property belongs to someone, not the government. When powerful interests have the power to use the government to take property away for the “greater good” of us all, what rights are protected?

If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the city, it could bode ill for businesspeople and property owners alike nationwide. The floodgates will open and state and local governments will be free to take private property and give it to someone else. The government will be able to do what it wants with your property for the “... (Thanks to WND)

This nonsense is everywhere. Look around. They may be taking your property.

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