So vomits a man with the improbable name of Steve Gushee. This denizen of the fever swamps is a religion (hee hee) writer for Cox (how appropriate) News service and apparently an Episcopal priest (but obviously not one of the good ones).
There is no need for a religious police in this country. Self-righteous citizens are doing the job for them. Their faith-based prejudice, as is often the case, brings more harm to women.
The latest example is the growing number of pharmacists who invoke their conscience to deny women legitimate prescriptions for birth control and morning-after pills.
They do more than simply bear witness to their belief. They deny that freedom to others. They disregard physicians' orders and violate the legally protected doctor-patient relationship.
You may check out the whole sordid mess at the link in the title if you like, but let me save you a few brain cells and whatever food you may have in you.
It seems this man of the cloth has created out of whole cloth (sorry-could not resist) a pseudo-constitutional right to fornicate that trumps the real Constitution's rights of freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
I actually love to see things like this in the newspaper and on-line. It means the good guys are fighting back.
Support your local Catholic pharmacist and companies like Walgreen's that protect their employees' freedom of conscience.
Don't forget to encourage your children to become pharmacists. There is more than one way to protect the Natural Law!
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