Once in a while, I'll post something concerning our friends in the Land of the Rising Sun. This caught my eye.
Schoolgirl skirts are creating a massive war of words in Okinawa, Japan's tropical island prefecture in the south, according to Flash (5/31).
Okinawa's schoolgirl skirt spat started in February when Katsuhiro Yoshida, a member of the Okinawa Prefectural Assembly, complained that hemlines were too high.
"When I've been walking through the streets recently, I've been stunned by the growing number of girls wearing incredibly short skirts. I don't know where to turn my eyes. And that's a bother. Have these girls no sense of shame?" Flash quotes the politician as saying in a protest he filed with the superintendent of the prefectural board of education. "We need concrete steps to counter this."
No, not that. This:
Others say the crackdown on short skirt uniforms is all for the good of the girls.
The men's weekly says that fans of long skirts point to the rape of local lasses by members of the U.S. military stationed throughout the prefecture as good reason for the girls to choose more modest attire.
Maybe it is time for us to leave Okinawa too.
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