Tuesday, May 24, 2005

France, oui! EU, non! part deux

You know something's up when a French Socialist MP starts to make sense.

"I feel like a rock star," said Jean-Luc Mélenchon, a Socialist senator from Essonne, as he was hugged and kissed by fans for breaking with his party and joining the no camp. "People stop me on the streets to tell me their problems and ask for my opinion about the constitution. I tell them it is absolutely monstrous."


Poll after poll predicts that the French will reject the constitutional treaty in a referendum on Sunday. If that happens, certainly the 25-country EU will go on as before under existing treaties and France, one of the original six founders, will remain one of its most important members.


But rejection will have deep repercussions for both France and Europe. It will be a humiliating personal defeat for President Jacques Chirac.


A no vote could paralyze decision-making in the EU for months, delay agreement on the Union's next seven-year budget, slow down the torturous process of admitting new members, inhibit the ability of the EU to project power as a bloc in foreign and economic policy, and make it even more difficult to impose discipline on member's spending and inflation levels.

And do not forget the freeing of the people from their idiot slavemasters.

Nations cannot be legislated out of existence. Who sees themselves as "Europeans" first? Only the addle-brained Leninist-Leninist left and the sheep created by the government schools.

This One Europe crap can't help but fail. The question is how many will be murdered in the insane attempt to make it work by force. Never say you were not warned.

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