"Let no freedom be allowed to novelty, because it is not fitting that any addition should be made to antiquity. Let not the clear faith and belief of our forefathers be fouled by any muddy admixture." -- Pope Sixtus III
Monday, May 02, 2005
BLACKFIVE is one who Gets It. Big time.
Check out this post:
Occasionally, I get email from folks who ask me why I am such a supporter of Soldiers' Angels. Read this, and, if you don't know why at the end, you never will understand.
Back in early November, I wrote about Willie Aufmkolk as Someone You Should Know. Willie is a great lady with a heart of gold. She is a German citizen who (with the help of her husband and friends) has been taking care of our wounded troops as they are brought into Germany before making the trip back to the states (Walter Reed, Bethesda, etc.). She's part of the Germany contingent of Soldiers' Angels.
Here's just one story about how Willie connected with a wounded American soldier...
On January 13th, Specialist Matt Braddock, a Cavalry Scout with the 116th Brigade Combat Team, was driving a humvee near Kirkuk, Iraq, when an IED was set off near his vehicle.
The left side of his body bore the brunt of the explosion - severed artery in his left arm, shrapnel lodged in his left knee, mangled his lower leg, both feet were crushed.
If you are feeling cynical, this will help.
Also, if you buy one of his cool t-shirts here, you can help Soldiers' Angels.
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