Thursday, May 19, 2005

Babyattoir industry spies on possible Supreme Court nominees

Robert Novak, ace reporter of the Chicago Sun-Times, lifts a rock and finds baby-killing maggots.

On May 5, the U.S. Judicial Conference in Washington received a request from a Mike Rice of Oakland, Calif., for the financial disclosure records of U.S. Appeals Court Judge Edith Jones (5th Circuit) of Houston. A 20-year veteran on the bench, Jones is a perennial possibility for the U.S. Supreme Court. The demand for her personal records is part of a major intelligence raid preceding momentous confirmation fights in the Senate.

An unprecedented assault upon the independence of our judiciary! Who could be behind this dastardly plot? CuriousGeorge BushMonkey? Cheney? DeLay???!!!???

Jones was not alone as a target, and Rice is not just a nosy citizen. He and Craig Varoga, a former aide to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, are partners in a California political consulting firm. Their May 5 petition requested financial information on 30 appellate judges in all but one of the country's judicial circuits, including nine widely mentioned Supreme Court possibilities. Varoga & Rice's client: NARAL Pro-Choice America.
Nobody can recall any previous mass request for such disclosures by federal judges. This intelligence raid is financed by the abortion lobby, but it looks to Republicans like a front for Reid and other senators who will consider President Bush's appointments for Supreme Court nominations. But Reid told me that he had heard nothing about this, adding: "It's ridiculous. What do we have Senate committees for?"

Relax, America, and know that those tireless defenders of your right to slaughter your kids in ways PETA would not approve for pigs is on the case! BabyMurder, Inc. has your back (and your son's entrails). They will do anything to stop the insane radicals who threaten your right to fornicate without consequences.

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